kPicasa Gallery 0.2.0

Hello everyone,

I just released a new version of kPicasa Gallery. This new version brings a much requested feature, video support.

For this first release, selecting the Highslide engine will integrate the video on your site. Other engines will open a new window to the video on your Picasa account. This is because only Highslide provides an easy way to play videos in a popup.

For an example, check out the « Expérimentations » album in the demo. The last thumbnail on the page is a video.

Don’t forget to rate kPicasa Gallery on its WordPress page!

25 Responses to “kPicasa Gallery 0.2.0”

  1. Ted Thompson Says:

    I commented on this before but, a “line item veto” would be nice, so we can choose if the location and summary fields will or won’t appear.

    Following the update, I had to edit the code again.

    Also, the inclusion of !important for the thumbnail borders strikes me as odd. Again, I have to edit the plugin – and I’ll have to do it again next time.

    All the other CSS items I’ve been able to make to my liking using my site’s CSS and the !important tag, but not that border…

  2. Guillaume Says:

    Hi Ted,

    I you can hide the summary and location by adding the following in your custom CSS file (not the one that comes with kPicasa).

    table#kpg-albums td div.kpg-summary, table#kpg-albums td div.kpg-location { display: none; }

    That way, you don’t have to do it again next time.

    About the !important, CSS is not my area of expertise. For some reason the border wouldn’t appear during my tests until I added !important. Maybe it’s just my theme, I’ll have a look at this.

  3. andy bird Says:

    Nice one,

    I was wondering what the new version does.

    thanks again for this great plugin

  4. Ted Thompson Says:

    Well, you shamed me on CSS… I should have thought of that!!! Ok, that’s one item out of the way.

    On your site, the thumbs must be inheriting a “border: none” property. On my site, I have another plug in that puts a drop shadow on the thumbnails so the border looks bad in my case.

    However, tweaking your CSS is no where near as daunting as changing the php code – so if you decide to drop the !important, I think that’d be a good idea, but if not, then it’s not so bad.

    Thanks for the clue on display: none (which I use other places so I should have thought of it…)

  5. Sander Says:


    Is it possible to use pictures from multiple accounts on 1 page, I have 2 picasa account from witch i want to use photo’s from, is that possible. Or is it possible to install the plugin 2 times ?

    Thanks for this great plugin,


  6. analuisa Says:

    This plugin is going to help out a ton i think. I manage an art website and one of the people is very comfortable with Picassa and already keeps things there so this will be an easy way to set it up once and then she can just update her web album. THANK YOU!

  7. carlos Says:

    I’m having a conflict between kpicasa and lighbox plus plugin. I use lightbox plus for full size images, so in the options page of kpicasa I choose “None (I already have some other kind of mecanism)”. With this option nothing happens, but if I choose any other optiones I get kpicasa and lightbox plus at the same time…
    you know what can be the problem?

  8. Sergey Agapov Says:

    It be nice, for us non-programmers, if you would tell us how to actually use it.

  9. VVOR Says:

    Great plugin!
    Can I use google maps on the picture page like picasaweb ?
    You can see it on

    Tnx in advance,


  10. Ian Says:

    I’m with Sergey on this!

    Just download and installed and ………..

    How do we implement the gallery?
    What syntax is used?
    Any documentation?

    Hoping for some followup.

  11. Guillaume Says:

    andy bird: Please have a look at the kpicasa_gallery.php file.

    Sander: No, you can’t have two accounts in the same post. Sorry.

    Sergey Agapov, Ian: As with most plugins, the documentation is all on the WordPress page (which you probably came from in the first place). Just click on the Installation link at the top.

    VVOR: I might implement that in the future, but for now you can’t show the associated Google Map in an album.

  12. Sander Says:

    Guillaume thanks, I will look for another way to fix my full picasa problem.

  13. Florin Says:

    I had a conflict with Lightbox Plus also, i could see the albums but not the pictures inside them.

    If I disabled the Auto Lightbox from Lightbox Plus it worked again.

  14. Martin Says:

    Thank you for creating this great plugin.

    I wondered if future versions could support the WP_PLUGIN_DIR/WP_PLUGIN_URL configuration options (see as opposed to hard coding a path to the plugins directory.


  15. Guillaume Says:

    Martin: I’m taking note. I will probably release a new version tonight with that change plus another CSS correction that someone else requested.

  16. Guillaume Says:

    Florin: kPicasa Gallery uses the WP built-in method of including libraries (it’s called wp_enqueue_script). Basically it tells WP « please load this library but only if it’s not already loaded ». In other words, it tries to play nice with others. I’m not familiar with Lightbox Plus, but maybe you could ask them if they’re doing the same thing.

  17. Ted Thompson Says:

    Um, how do I get this to stop the “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail”??

  18. Guillaume Says:

    You should see a « Manage your subscriptions » link.

  19. Ted Thompson Says:

    Yep, sorry. I didn’t look there, I just came here and hunted for it. Again, sorry.

  20. Ricky Says:


    Has been using the kpicasa plug-in for long time. Liked it but have a bug that didnt get fixed in the last 2 versions.

    Didn’t know whether it is because we are having a blog in different language but the ‘kpg-backLink’ div got some very weired code like href=”/photo-gallery/’ a double quote followed by a single quote making the link losing its linkage.

    You can have a look at and see if you can help me with this one.


  21. Guillaume Says:

    Ricky: check that it’s not another plugin that’s conflicting. I know people have reported that some Google Analytics (don’t remember its name) breaks the “back” links. Disable all the other plugins and re-enable them one at a time.

    As far as I know, there’s not much I can do when another plugin breaks kPicasa. I’ve done everything I can to play nice with others.

  22. Ricky Says:

    i tried editing kpg.class.php

    In the *** Display “back” link** section,
    originally it was
    print “« Back to album list“;
    If I break it down into 3 sections
    print ‘« Back to album list‘;
    somehow it works
    it’s the single quotes and double quotes that got confused
    maybe i am stupid that i never properly learn PHP
    but see if that helps.

  23. Guillaume Says:

    Ricky: it works fine for everyone else. I’m convinced it’s another plugin that alters the HTML that kPicasa outputs.

  24. Martin Says:


    I am with Ricky on this one. I use Bluehost to host my website. I had the same problem and had to hack the kpicasa-gallery/kpg.class.php to use escaped double quotes \” instead of single quotes ‘ were the Back to album link is used.
    I had to do this again, but your script still somehow cannot open one of my galleries

    Can you help?

  25. Guillaume Says:

    Martin: like I said to Ricky, look at the kPicasa Gallery source code and you will see that it’s not outputting wrong HTML. Something else (another plugin?) is playing with the HTML that kPicasa outputs.

    Can you try to disable all of your plugins, and only enable kPicasa? Does it work now? If it doesn, enable one plugin at a time to find which one is causing this.

    I know there’s some Google Analytics plugin that was conflicting.