kPicasa Gallery 0.2.9

I received an email from WordPress telling me that the Highslide licence was incompatible with the WordPress licence. Unfortunately, I had to remove Highslide from kPicasa Gallery. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Your plugin has had to be temporarily withdrawn from the WordPress plugin, as it contains code that has not been released under the GPL (or a compatible license)

The file containing the code is: highslide

Plugins are, and have always been, required to be GPL (or compatible) licensed, as clearly stated at

10 Responses to “kPicasa Gallery 0.2.9”

  1. A. Hošek Says:


    Love the plugin – will you be making changes to comply with their request, or will you focus on other things? Thanks!

  2. Gregory J Prang Says:

    Agree, it’s a great plugin. I basically chose WordPress due to Kpicasa Gallery using Highslide. It was the first and maybe only slideshow solution to be completely user-maintainable. I hope Highslide or another slideshow option can be agreed soon. Thanks and best wishes.

  3. Jo Says:


    Not sure whether I am having a server issue or a plugin issue (as the problem is only on the gallery page) but on our website (, when you click on the gallery page, then click on an album, and try to return to the album page via the “back to album list” button the page directs you to a Viagra spam page and not the gallery page, even though it is the same directory.

    Thanks for the help.


  4. Guillaume Says:

    @Jo : I’ve never seen that problem before. Maybe you could try to uninstall kPicasa Gallery and redownload/reinstall it. I hate to say this, but it looks like someone gained access to your server.

  5. Alain Langlois Says:

    Salut Guillaume,

    Est-il possible de traduire les libellés (Back to albums… Slideshow…)? Il n’y en a pas beaucoup.

    Je suis à tester ton plugin, et à date, je l’aime beaucoup.

  6. Alain Langlois Says:

    … et ….

    Est-ce qu’on peut mettre plusieurs lignes KPICASA_GALLERY? Je voudrais séparer les albums par un libellé :

    Tournoi untel
    KPICASA_GALLERY(Album1Tournoi, Album2Tournoi)

    Visite de la ville
    KPICASA_GALLERY(Album1Visite, Album2Visite)


    Dans mes tests, seulement la première ligne s’affiche en album. Les autres affichent ma ligne KPICASA_GALLERY… sur le site web.

  7. Guillaume Says:

    @Alain: mon plugin utilise le mécanisme standard de WordPress pour les textes et peut donc être traduit avec l’outil de traduction dont j’oublie le nom. Regarde sur le site de WordPress pour plus d’info.

    Concernant l’utilisation de plusieurs KPICASA_GALLERY, c’est limité à une déclaration par post ou page.

  8. rob aubrey Says:

    Hi, I really like the plug in.

    Any plans for a Facebook version.

    I have seen FB plugins but none as simple and clean as this


  9. Tracey Adams Says:

    HI there, I currently use your plugin and wondered how the upgrade to google+ would effect the use of your plugin. I understand it transfers your images to the new google+

  10. Jimbo Says:

    I really like your kPicasa plugin, but was wondering if there was a way to remove the yellow title bar that appears above the gallery view. It doesn’t look that attractive, and I am only using one gallery so there doesn’t need to be this identifier….
    Thank you,