kPicasa Gallery 0.1.3

With this new version, I’ve virtually implemented every single request that I received. Those that I left off will never be included. Here are the new features:

  • Improved error messages. Now the error message really explains what happened;
  • Easier to visually customize via a CSS file, instead of inline styling;
  • Ability to display galleries from more than one Picasa account, each in a different page/post (this is for an advanced usage, and will not really be documented);
  • New options to change the number of albums to display per line, and the number of pictures per line;
  • Now displays the album description if it exists;
  • It is now possible to not use any engine to display the full-sized picture. This is, for example, for those who already have Lightbox installed via another plugin.

Get it from

As usual, I don’t have access to many different platforms to test so keep me informed if you find any bug!!!

9 Responses to “kPicasa Gallery 0.1.3”

  1. lequocvan Says:

    Help Me !

    What’s error ?
    your PHP configuration does not allow kPicasa Gallery to connect to Picasa Web Albums. Please ask your administrator to enable allow_url_fopen or cURL.


  2. Guillaume Says:

    Well it’s kind of self-explanatory. I don’t know what else to say! If you don’t understand what it means, your administrator will be able to help you!

    Good luck!

  3. Matej Says:

    Hi,how can I display galleries from more than one Picasa account? Thanks

  4. Guillaume Says:

    Matej, although I haven’t told anyone about this, you can show pictures from an alternative account by calling kPicasa like this:

  5. Matej Says:

    Ok,thanks very much for this suggestion and for very good plugin to the wordpress.

  6. sharpmark Says:

    could you add a feature that display the full size pictures in the page without lightbox or highsilde?
    just show a picture without any js effect.
    that url will like “?photo=xxxxxx”

  7. Guillaume Says:

    sharpmark, you would like to display directly the full-sized picture without first showing any thumbnail?

  8. Trevor Says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the update.

    As cool as everything sounds, I haven’t been able to see it yet as I continually get this error:

    Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Connection refused in /home/content/j/t/r/jtrevorchapman/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/kpicasa-gallery/kpg.class.php on line 419
    Error: kPicasa Gallery tried to connect to Picasa Web Albums using file_get_contents() and failed. Your web host is probably blocking outgoing requests.

    What do I need to do?

  9. Guillaume Says:

    Trevor, I can’t remember if we spoke outside of this blog. Sorry, I’m just confusing everyone. But anyway, did 0.1.4 fix the problem?