kPicasa Gallery 0.1.6

I took advantage of the bad weather outside to update kPicasa Gallery. Before proceeding any further, I would like to thank David Trattnig for his code for the thumbnail size selector and Bill Ritz for his tips on showing private albums.

Here are the new features:

  • You can now show private albums (for advanced users)
  • You can now select the thumbnail size for the album cover, and its pictures
  • Text can now be typed before and after the kPicasa output. The kPicasa call just needs to be on its own line.

Here are the instructions to display a private album:

  1. Log into your Picasa Web Albums account
  2. Find the URL of the private album you want to show. For example:
  3. In that URL, locate the album name
  4. In that same URL, locate the authkey. Please note that the authkey is 20 characters long and does NOT include the # character that might be at the end of the URL.
  5. Call kPicasa with the following syntax: KPICASA_GALLERY(TripToEurope#Gv1sRgCILA9ebdxLyZaQ)

20 Responses to “kPicasa Gallery 0.1.6”

  1. Greg Says:

    First of all I love your plugin! It’s very useful!

    I have one small request… is it possible to set an url parameter that would filter file names that I would like to show in the given album? Sometimes I don’t want to show all my pics from the album, but only those with *[text]* in the filename.

    Btw… I know I can create another album for that, but I don’t wanna screw up my structure just for displaying purposes.

    Keep up the great work!


  2. Tom Says:

    hi, the plug-in is not working since i update it.
    how can i fix it?
    thanks, Tom

  3. Guillaume Says:

    Greg: While I understand it’s a feature that would be useful for you, I don’t believe this is something that would benefit to a lot of people. If you know PHP, you can probably do it yourself in 15 minutes.

    Tom: Make sure you updated to 0.1.7. There’s a bug in the 0.1.6 version.

  4. Estella Says:

    Hi Guillaume,

    Thanks for such a great plugin! This was exactly what I needed for my site ๐Ÿ™‚

    I recently installed the plugin, and I noticed some weird variation for the “Back to Album List” link. For the code [a href=’$backURL’], the first apostrophe sometimes converts to a double-quote.

    You can check it out yourself here:
    – If you click on the first album “Hong Kong 2009, Part 2: Wedding and after” the album description lacks the div style, and is a broken link.
    – If you click on the second album “Hong Kong 2009, Part 1: Pre-Wedding” everything displays correctly.

    What do you think? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks so much again for creating and sharing a fantastic plugin!!

  5. Guillaume Says:

    I would recommend that you try deactivating all your plugins except kPicasa. If kPicasa works correctly (the back link works), and try to activate your other plugins one at a time until you find which one is to blame.

    Let me know if it’s another plugin that is conflicting!

  6. Estella Says:

    Hmmm.. ah-hah! You were right!

    It turns out the offending plugin is the WordPress Google Analytics plugin (, which I’ve left disabled for now.

    I’m not too sure what the problem or the solution might be, though. Do you have any thoughts? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thanks so much for the help and the advice! <3

  7. Greg Says:

    I think it would be an useful feature… not just for me. I know that it wouldn’t be much work (for you :)), but the thing about custom modifications is… future upgrades are hard to maintain :/.

    Please think about it.

  8. Guillaume Says:

    Estella: I remember someone else reported a conflict with Google Analytics. I wrote to the author about this, but never got an answer ๐Ÿ™

    Greg: You’re right about the pain of maintaining the plugin afterwards. I still think it’s a feature that would only benefit to a tiny minority though. However I’m very open to the idea of finding a way to make kPicasa more extendable (custom code outside of the kPicasa PHP files). I’m not sure what can and can’t be done, but if something can be done, I’m 100% behind it.

  9. Jรณhann Agnarsson Says:

    Hi there, Great plugin!
    I however noticed a slight problem.
    If you select a thumbnail size of 288 pixels then the images will only display as 288 pixels when you click on them, this did not affect the 144 pixel setting.
    The related line of code is:

    $fullURL = str_replace(‘/s144/’, ‘/s800/’, $thumbURL);

    from kpg.class.php

    I replaced it with this:

    $urlstrings = array(‘/s144/’,’/s288/’);
    $fullURL = str_replace($urlstrings, ‘/s800/’, $thumbURL);

    Thought you might be interested, keep up the good work.

    Johann Agnarsson

  10. Jรณhann Agnarsson Says:

    oh, you might want to add ‘/s72/’ to the $urlstrings array as well.

    $urlstrings = array(‘/s72/’,โ€™/s144/โ€™,’/s288/โ€™);
    $fullURL = str_replace($urlstrings, โ€˜/s800/โ€™, $thumbURL);

  11. Guillaume Says:

    Jรณhann: Thanks for pointing this out. I released a new version that fixes the problem.

  12. Greg Says:

    I’ve found another bug…
    in kpicasa_gallery.php
    there’s a line:
    print “\n”;

    but the file is actually named:

    I’ve got many 404s

  13. Guillaume Says:

    I’m not sure I understand what you mean. Could you tell me which line number in kpicasa_gallery.php you’re talking about?

    Could you tell me what referenced files return a 404?

  14. Jeff Says:

    Hey there,

    when leaving the box “Number of pictures to show per page:” blank, i.e. to show all pictures, it shows only one. i’m using the syntax KPICASA_GALLERY()

    just to let u know ๐Ÿ˜‰


  15. Uri Orbach Says:

    I just wanted to thank you for the great plugin.
    It’s really useful and it looks great!!
    If I may note- maybe it would be better to write at the manual that it has to be used by typing `KPICASA_GALLERY` <> (I didn’t know why it ain’t working until I figured it out…)

  16. Uri Orbach Says:

    My comment above got scrambled – maybe it would be better to write at the manual that it has to be used by typing `KPICASA_GALLERY` without the apostrophes.

  17. Estella Says:

    Hi Guillaume!

    Thanks again for putting together and developing the kPicasa plugin. I truly enjoy and appreciate it, and your quick responses too!

    I’m not sure if it’s possible (and you probably thought of this before too) but I was wondering if you’ve thought about incorporating comments into the kPicasa plugin too?

    I’m not much of a developer so I’m not sure if the photo softwares like Lightbox allow for commenting, or if there’s someway to import comments from one’s Picasa page AND also allow people to comment via the plugin interface. (But then for consistency, there’s the problem of the comments also needing to work on the Picasa side too.)

    Just wanted to throw the idea out there!

    Thanks again for all your hard work! ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. Tim Says:

    Why doesn’t anyone publish simple instructions for using their plugins? I have installed your plugin, but don’t know how to use it.

  19. Guillaume Says:

    Tim: my girlfriend would say you’re probably looking with guy eyes. Go to the kPicasa page on

    Click on the Installation link, it’s all there.

  20. Nina Says:

    Hi Guillaume,

    First of all, thank you for your great Picasa plugin! After having tried many different Picasa plugins I found out that yours is the best one for my needs.

    I like the idea of displaying private albums on my photo page, but is there a way to show an overview of all the private albums (like the normal overview of the public ones)? So far I was only able to display one public album in detail with all the photos contained in it.

    Thanks a lot!