kPicasa Gallery 0.1.8 (maintenance release)

Hi everyone,

Another day, another release. This time I simply refreshed Highslide and Lightbox to their latest release.

I was about to include Slimbox but I don’t see the advantage. Lightbox uses the scriptaculous JavaScript framework, and it’s already included by default by WordPress. Okay it’s 18Kb compared to Slimbox’s 4Kb. But you have to include the whole MooTools frameworks for Slimbox 1 or jQuery for Slimbox 2, which are 63Kb and 19Kb respectively.

EDIT: I wasn’t aware that jQuery was bundled with WordPress! I’ll add Slimbox 2 as soon as I have a few minutes. I also found out that WordPress comes with Thickbox, why not add it as an option as well!

32 Responses to “kPicasa Gallery 0.1.8 (maintenance release)”

  1. hugo Says:

    hey nice to see updates to a great plugin , only curious about how it’s going with the video-support if it’s planed in a release soon ?

  2. Guillaume Says:

    To be honest, I had completely forgotten about supporting videos. The picture functionality of kPicasa Gallery is pretty much complete and bug-free. Video would be nice I suppose, but I haven’t looked at how hard it would be, or even if it’s possible. Will put that high in the priority list.

  3. David Donde Says:

    I am struggling to make the plugin work, I can get it to post on one page, on all others it comes through empty. On the page where it works, it shows the no. of images and the thumbnails, on all of the others, just blank entirely in the post area. suggestions? I am calling individual galleries

  4. David Donde Says:

    great work though, thanks!

  5. Sebastian Says:

    Thanks for that great plugin. I tried to make it working with cooliris ( As Picasa supports cooliris it should be possible. Do you know how to make it working?

  6. Andre Says:

    Amazing plugin!!! I would like to know if is it possible to add more than one Picasa user on that. Isn’t it?

  7. Mario Says:

    Thanks for the plugin, works like a charm! Just one minor thing: I’m using version 0.1.9 and it might be that I’m doing something wrong, but when only add the required code KPICASA_GALLERY(with or without any of the optional parameters) on a page and nothing more the gallery is not showing up. When adding some text in the page as well everything works as expected.

    I did a little digging in the code and changed the regex in the kpicasa-gallery/kpicasa_gallery.php files, method loadKPicasaGallery, 3rd line to(hope that shows up here correctly):
    $regex = ‘/^[\s]?KPICASA_GALLERY[\s]*(\(.*\))?[\s]?$/m’;

    That solved the problem for me, but comes with no guarantee, because I’m not a regex genius ;-).

  8. Guillaume Says:

    Mario: I’ll have a look at this, but this very blog runs on kPicasa 0.1.9. I just checked and I call the gallery with only KPICASA_GALLERY.

    André: yes, simply call KPICASA_GALLERY(username:YourSecondUsername).

  9. yeladies Says:

    Great Work!!

    I use Kpicasa gallery to show my 3d renders in my blog!!

    10000 thanks

  10. Andre Says:

    Thanks Guillaume!!!!!!
    One of the best plugins for WP!!!!

  11. Paul Says:

    Hi, Guillaume. In the pagination part, the links to the pages of photos are like, take your album as an example,

    I want to change the “&” before “kpap=2” to “&” so the page can pass W3C’s Markup Validation. How can I do that??


  12. Paul Says:

    Sorry, the second”&” is actually like “& amp;”

  13. vanea Says:

    Hi. can you say under what license do you distribute this gallery???? can I use on a newspaper site???

  14. Guillaume Says:

    vanea: I don’t remember under which license I released it, but basically you can use it on any site you’d like. The only thing I don’t want it is people selling my plugin.

  15. Terry Says:

    Guillaume – I’m having a slight issue. Whenever I attempt to set options in the settings, I click update/save, and it doesn’t seem to accept my changes, just sends me back to the Settings > General tab in my wordpress admin.

    Of course I’m getting the error, “Error: you must go to the admin section and set your Picasa Web Album Username in the Options section.”

    Is there something I’m doing wrong? I’m using KPICASA_GALLERY in my post. I’ve looked at my file permissions on my GoDaddy account, and it looks fine.

    Any thoughts?



  16. Janine Says:

    I love this! I can across on issue though. I I post a gallery using kpicasa and in the same post I embed a youtube video, the gallery will not show. Any idea about this? Thanks!

  17. Magnus Says:

    Hi! I really like this plugin. Works fine.

    But there seems to be a problem when you embed several albums that are set to private – when you try to open them, google says no no! 🙂

    KPICASA_GALLERY(2009_05_23#Gv1sRgCP4dl7iYyr3FWQ, 2009_05_24#Gv1sRgCP2dl7iYyr2FWQ)

    They show up as overview icons, but can’t be opened.


  18. jake Says:

    Please add functionality where you can list multiple Unlisted albums on a single page. Currently you can only list multiple items if Public or single Unlisted albums. I’d love to have a page that shows multiple unlisted albums! Please!

  19. Ric Says:

    Thanks for all your work on this plaug-in. I’ve been using kPicasa for about a year now and absolutely love it.

  20. Ric Says:

    Hi Guillaume,

    Thanks for your work on kPicasa. Any chance it will support picasa video too?


  21. Carlos Rodrigues Says:

    Hi Guillaume, from Portugal!
    I would like to thank you this brilliant plugin. Just the one I needed, because is fast on loading and simple in options.
    But I have a problem. In my WP site, only works with Tickbox option…
    I use the last version of plugin (0.1.9) and WP 2.7.1
    Thanks in advance!

  22. stef Says:

    your plugin picasa gallery doesnt work win WP 2.8

  23. Justin Says:

    I love the kpicasa plugin and am about to use it on my site. I was using highslide with it but noticed that the slideshow option for highslide was not enabled. Is that something that can easily be added to the plugin? If so could you tell me how? Thanks.

  24. Justin Says:

    I figured out how to get the slideshow for highslide working. Went to the Highslide website and created a custom highslide.js and droped it in the highslide directory of the plugin. Then modified the appropriate code in the kpicasa_gallery.php file and it worked like a charm!

  25. S.K Says:


    I want to show only one of the several albums under a different username. I used “KPICASA_GALLERY(username:secondusername)”. It works fine but shows all the albums under that username.

    But I want to show only the thumbnails of a particular album only under that username in a post. Kindly tell me how to make a call for it in the post.

    Thanks and regards


  26. S.K Says:

    Thanks for the solution.

  27. Heyllo Says:

    Hey I really love this plugin. Isn’t it possible to make this plugin add picasa pictures from multiple picasa albums?

  28. Enda Says:

    Hi Guillaume,
    Great plugin, I’m using it for a friends photography website (callumphotography dot com) which I’m still tweaking. Love how the plugin works and I had it up and running in two minutes. I think i’ll be using it on my own site in the future too… Many Thanks!

  29. Diego Says:

    Hi Guillaume,
    first of all, congratulations for your wonderful widget.
    I write this comment because I think that I found a little bug.

    When you use KPICASA_GALLERY function in a post you have to write below something, just a typeface. If you don’t write anything the funcion don’t display your picasa album

    I hope you take in consideration my comment in your future developments.


  30. Bobo Says:

    Would it be possible to add multiple users to kPicasa? This would be a great option for our astronomy society homepage.

  31. Ted Thompson Says:

    I can’t find a way to contact you, so I hope this is in the right spot.

    GREAT PLUG IN. Works very well, but something I wanted made me edit the php files so I was wondering if it could be made an option under the admin settings page for Kpicasa.

    What I wanted was to control which lines of information appeared (the lines being, Description, location, number of photos) I only wanted the title and number of photos in the album listing, so I commented out the other two lines.

    Of course next update that will get overwritten and I’ll have to do it again, unless you like this idea and give us some check boxes to choose what shows and what doesn’t… 😀

  32. MS Surdam Says:

    Thanks for the great plugin, I hope you continue to update it as it is the best I have found for Picassa and WordPress.