Canon EOS Rebel XS

Here are the cameras I had in the past:

  • FujiFilm Finepix 1400 Zoom bought new for $500 in 2000. I also got myself 32MB SmartMedia card for $100. What a deal! It had a whooping 1.3 megapixels. Although it had shining reviews from multiple sites, I was never really satisfied with the quality, all the pictures were a bit too red. Went on a trip to California and brought back crappy pictures. I told myself I would NEVER go on a trip with such a crappy camera again.
  • Canon PowerShot A60 bought used on eBay in early 2006 for around $70. The quality was MUCH better than my previous camera. It had a manual mode that was really helpful.
  • Canon SD700 IS bought new for $370 at the end of 2006. I wanted a small camera that I could carry in my pockets all the time. It served me well for years.

I loved both of my Canon cameras, but I found myself too limited in some situations. Particularly in low-light situations. At ISO 800, there was a lot of noise with my SD700.

I always loved photography, so after looking around for months, I finally found a great deal and bought myself a Canon EOS Rebel XS. It’s an entry-level SLR, but the level of control you have is simply in another league. I understand pretty much all the theory, but I need more practice.

For now, I only have the 18-55 IS lense that came with the body. But I might buy a 50mm f/1.8 prime lense sometime in the near future, it’s helpful in these low-light scenes such as weddings and all.

I have a few pictures in the « Experimentations » album in the kPicasa Gallery demo.

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