New version going well

I’m currently coding what will become 0.2.0. Like I said in an earlier post, for most of you it doesn’t change much. But this new platform will help me in the future for new features.

The main thing that bugged me about kPicasa was that I’m not sure exactly how many people enabled caching on their blog. If the built-in cache wasn’t enabled, or if they used an unknown caching system, kPicasa had to fetch data from Picasa on every single page load. In other words, it was not always optimal.

Now kPicasa will connect to Picasa once a day (or a few other periods) to get the list of all the albums and will store the data in its own cache.

Every current feature of kPicasa Gallery has been ported to this new platform. The only thing left to do is the new error handling. The main problem people are having is that their host doesn’t always allow outside connetions (to Picasa). When that happens, there’s no way kPicasa can work. I’m trying to think of something quick and simple to know right from the start if kPicasa will be able to work.

77 Responses to “New version going well”

  1. Alexandre Says:

    Hey Guillaume, I just wanted to say I’ve started playing around with your plugin and I am loving it so far. Really great job.

    Is there a way to limit the number of pictures displayed on the homepage? I have some pretty big albums and I’d like to display only a couple of pictures, much like the “more” tag in WordPress posts. Is this at all possible?

    Great work, keep it up!

  2. Guillaume Says:

    Hi Alexandre,
    Yes of course it’s possible to limit the number of albums per page, or the number of pictures per page. Just go in the administration section of your blog, then under Settings / kPicasa Gallery. You’ll have all those options there.

  3. Alexandre Says:

    Hi Guillaume!
    That’s simple and easy enough! I was expecting something much more complex. Thanks a lot!

  4. Alexandre Says:

    Hi Guillaume, it’s me again.

    I am having trouble validating the HTML code used in your plugin. At first I had to alter some CSS ID’s to CLASSES since they weren’t unique (several galleries were being displayed at once on my front page) and that was easy.

    Now I’m getting an error regarding what I believe is the pagination system. It seems the amperstand (&) used after the album name in the URL should be converted do & amp ; (without the spaces), as in …?album=20090120&kpap=2 should be ?album=20090120& amp ;kpap=2… (again, without the spaces)

    I’ve tried looking through the PHP code, but I had no luck since I really don’t understand it.

    Hope you can help… Thanks!

  5. Guillaume Says:

    I don’t have quick access to the code right now, but I believe that the ampersands are already escaped (translated to &). If not, feel free to escape them.

  6. Alexandre Says:

    I tried, but I don’t know how to do that. Couldn’t find it in the PHP code (I don’t know any programming…)

    The URL to my blog is, if you try to validate it, you’ll see what I mean.

    There’s no rush, but I’d really appreciate if you could help me out.


  7. Guillaume Says:

    I visited your blog and everything looks fine to me. I clicked on “Mais Happy Hour!” and I can go back and forth between page 1 and 2. What exactly is your problem? 🙂

  8. Alexandre Says:

    I know it works. I’m saying that the code doesn’t validate:

    And it’s aparently because of the amperstands in the URL of the pagination links.

  9. Guillaume Says:

    Right. I’ll have a look but as far as I am concerned, I’m using functions provided by WordPress.

    Maybe you can try to add the following code just before line 407 in kpg.class.php, just above print " <a href='$pageUrl'>$i</a>";

    $pageUrl = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $pageUrl);

  10. Alexandre Says:

    Yeah! That fixed it! Thanks a bunch Guillaume!
    Keep up the absolutely excellent work!

  11. Victoria Says:

    is it possible to make it so the thumbnails do not use the picture captions? thanks- this is, by far, the easiest and cleanest Picasa plugin I’ve come across.

  12. Guillaume Says:

    Hi Victoria,
    You’ll have to edit kpg.class.php and add // at the beginning of lines 320, 332, 333 and 345. This will comment out the lines outputting the picture captions.

  13. Ragnar Jonasson Says:

    Hi Guillaume.
    This is fantastic work and many probably feel it would deserve some contribution :O)

    Some food for thought:

    When I use KPICASA_GALLERY, all public galleries are shown in this single post. One picture in each row, name and description on its right side, just like in your demo. Then you can click on this picture to open the rest of this album.

    When I use KPICASA_GALLERY(PicasaWebAlbumName), all pictures from that particular album are shown in one page (or many, depending on how you configure the settings)

    I would like to be able to combine the two forementioned approaches, in other words, use KPICASA_GALLERY(PicasaWebAlbumName … ) so that the wordpress post would show just one picture + the name&description, in a similar fashion that is done when displaying all the albums using KPICASA_GALLERY. And the behavior would then be similar, clicking this one picture from PicasaWebAlbumName would take me to the album.

    I wonder if I’m making myself clear…

    Best of luck,

    Is this possible today and if so could you give some pointers?

  14. Guillaume Says:

    Thanks for the kind words. I think I understand, it can be done if you play around with the CSS file, but I’m gonna leave that portion to you.

  15. Bill Says:

    Hey Guillaume,
    I am making modifications to your plugin to allow for unlisted galleries. I think I have a way of doing it, but am running into a few “quirks”. I’m a .NET/Classic asp programmer, and am sure it’s a PHP syntax problem I’m having.

    Let me know if you’re interested in helping me. Thanks!

  16. Bill Says:

    Nevermind. I got it working 🙂

  17. ryanrobot Says:

    Hi Guillaume – Fantastic work! I’m looking to add some text to the Gallery pages – just a few lines that would display above the gallery lists.

    Is there somewhere you recommend to add it? Everything I have tried hasn’t worked.

    Thanks for any guidance!

  18. Guillaume Says:

    ryanrobot: right now it’s not possible. KPICASA_GALLERY needs to be the only text in the post. I did this for the people who might post the instructions on how to use kPicasa. The line where they would instruct to type KPICASA_GALLERY would have turned into the actual gallery.

    I might add an option so choose which behavior you want though.

  19. ryanrobot Says:

    Thanks for the quick Reply Guillaume!
    I look forward to seeing this plugin evolve.

  20. Ragnar Jonasson Says:

    Bill, would you maybe share with us how you put in the unlisted albums? 🙂
    I for one would be very interested
    (sorry Guillaume if I’m turning this into a forum)

    Kindest regards,

  21. Bill Says:

    I certainly will. Let me get it cleaned up a bit, and over to Guillaume. Right now, I have some manual work to do whenever a new Album is created within Picasa. I don’t really see a way around this (I have an idea, but haven’t tested it). I also just realized that Guillaume allows a single album to show on a page – when a function is passed a few parameters. I didn’t even know about this (honestly, I just started playing with it yesterday). I will add a few more parameters to this function to allow that to work as well. Again, I will pass everything to Guillaume to decide whether or not to incorporate, etc.


  22. Paul Says:

    When can Kpicasa Gallery retrieve comments from the web? It would be great to see the comments.

  23. Paul Says:

    Hi Guillaume, did you ever find that KPicasa Gallery does not work with IE8? Or is it a problem only I encountered…

  24. Paul Says:

    Sorry, just made a mistake. I meant to say that the Highslide in KG does not work with IE8…

  25. Sean Says:

    um.. is anyone here using 2.7.1 cuz the website shows the version 0.15 is only compatible up to 2.7 and when i try to activate the plugin it says “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”

  26. S.K Says:


    I have been wedded to this plugin for a long time.

    Suddenly I find a peculiar problem. In some of the album pages, the string becomes . In other words, if the $backurl is /albums/, the link becomes href=”/albums/’ – that is double quote at the beginning and single quote at the end of the hyperlink. This results in the link and text surrounding it getting broken.

    The bizarre thing is it happens in only a few of the individual albums while the rest of the album pages are ok.

    Can you please offer me a solution.

    You can see the problem here:

    Thanks and regards


  27. S.K Says:

    Sheesh! I have used tags and it has broken the comment too!


    I have been wedded to this plugin for a long time.

    Suddenly I find a peculiar problem. In some of the album pages, the string href=’$backURL>’ becomes href=”$backURL> in individual album pages’.

    In other words, if the $backurl is /albums/, the link becomes href=”/albums/’ – that is, double quote at the beginning and single quote at the end of the hyperlink. This results in the link and text surrounding it getting broken.

    The bizarre thing is it happens in only a few of the individual albums while the rest of the album pages are ok.

    Can you please offer me a solution.

    You can see the problem here:

    Thanks and regards
